The site and its context
The Appeal site comprises land at Boscobel Lane in Bishops Wood, South Staffordshire. The Site measures circa 5.2 hectares. The site is bound by existing residential development along the northern highway frontage of Tong Road, and Kiddemore lane to the north. The western extent of the site is bound by Boscobel Lane, beyond which is Bishops Wood Village Hall and agricultural land.
The planning appeal, seeks review of the refusal of outline planning permission, with all matters reserved except for access , for: Up to 100 residential dwellings, a local Use Class E(a) shop, public open space, landscaping, and associated drainage and infrastructure.
A single vehicular access point, from Boscobel Lane, is proposed to serve the development.
Whilst the updated illustrative framework plan as submitted is indicative, it demonstrates how up to 100 dwellings could be accommodated within the site to achieve a policy compliant density in keeping with the prevailing character of the area. At this density the dwellings, which will comprise of a mixture of sizes and tenures, including 50% affordable homes, will all be provided with generous amenity space and off-street car parking provision in accordance with the South Staffordshire Council’s requirements. In addition, provision for safe and secure bicycle storage is to be provided for each dwelling.
The illustrative framework plan also shows how, in addition to the dwellings, a shop could be provided on the site. It is the intention for the shop to serve the needs of the local community.
Alongside the provision of a local shop, for which a long-term end-user has been established, the development will provide an Electric Vehicle (EV) community pool offering, whereby local residents can book out the use of dedicated vehicles that will be charged and run from the site.
Different types of public open space (such as a play area and a community orchard) can also be accommodated within the site. The fundamental aim for the public open space is that it provides safe and accessible places where the future occupiers of the new dwellings, and members of the existing local community, can come together for social interaction.