
This consultation seeks your views on additional information prepared on behalf of Boningales Homes relating to the development of land at Boscobel Lane, Bishops Wood, South Staffordshire.


Boningale Homes is a developer and house builder based in Albrighton near Wolverhampton. Boningale Homes is family-owned and family-run, supported by a handpicked team of professionals with decades of experience.

The story so far

On the 9th October 2024 outline planning application ref: 24/00467/OUTM (all matters reserved except for access) for the construction of up to 100no. residential dwellings, local Use Class E(a) shop, public open space, landscaping, and associated drainage and infrastructure was refused by South Staffordshire Council.

Over the past few months Boningale Homes, supported by a range of consultants, have produced additional information that seeks to address the reasons for refusal listed on the Decision Notice.

A planning appeal is currently being prepared for submission to the Planning Inspectorate. The additional information being consulted on as part of this exercise, will form part of the submissions on behalf of Boningale Homes. However prior to formally appealing the refusal, Boningale Homes are eager to hear your views.